Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Supreme Court Upholds “Partial Birth” Ban

Yesterday in 5-4 ruling the court upheld the congressional ban on partial birth abortions. Generally performed in the second trimester of pregnancy, partial birth abortions involve dilating a women’s cervix, removing the baby and crushing or cutting its skull.

Consequently, doctors caught performing this barbaric form of infanticide can be jailed for up to two years. As you can imagine this ruling has created a political bombshell and both sides of the abortion issue were quick to respond:

Sen. John McCain – “I’m very happy about the decision. Partial birth is one of the most odious aspects of abortion.

Rudy Giuliani – “The Court reached the correct conclusion in upholding the congressional ban on partial birth abortion.”

Gov. Mitt Romney – “Today, our nation's highest court reaffirmed the value of life in America by upholding a ban on a practice that offends basic human decency. This decision represents a step forward in protecting the weakest and most innocent among us."

Sen. Barack Obama – “I strongly disagree with today’s Supreme Court ruling, which dramatically departs from previous precedents.”

Sen. Hillary Clinton – “It is precisely this erosion of our own constitutional rights that I warned against when I opposed the nominations of Chief Justice Roberts and Alito.”

Sen. John Edwards – “This hard turn right is a stark reminder of why democrats cannot afford to lose the 2008 election.”

The abortion issue has always been an incendiary and divisive issue in America. Consequently, here at the Juniper Park Patriots, one of us agrees with the ruling while the other opposes.

Please share your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

In a letter to his father, 1783...

"I think vital religion has always suffered when orthodoxy is more regarded than virtue. The scriptures assure me that at the last day, we shall not be examined on what we thought, but what we did".

Anonymous said...

Thank God the Supreme Court got this decision right. We need to protect the rights of the unborn

Anonymous said...

2nd time the Court got something right! Way to Go!

Anonymous said...

I hope the Court dosn't go to far to the right!

georgetheatheist said...

Life begins at birth, not conception...check out the tax codes...You cannot "write off" a fetus, be it 1 month of gestation or 9, on a 1040 tax form...If Pro-Lifers wish to really put their $ where their mouths are, they should have a test case where next April 15, 2008, a pregnant woman mails her 1040 with her fetus written off as a dependent...If Pro-Lifers had "any balls" they would do this.

Anonymous said...

So tell us georgetheatheist, is that why your mother gave birth to you, so she can claim another "tax deduction"?

Can you actually picture your own child, as a 5-6 month old fetus, when you can actually see from the sonogram its developing features and gender, being violently taken from your wife's womb and having its skull crushed or its head cut off?

Makes for a really nice picture doesn't it. Bet you want to take home videos of that to show your family and friends?

Thank God we now have some Supreme Court Justices that are of strong moral character.

Anonymous said...

The Problem is that society has been allowing us to "write off the fetus" instead of treating the fetus like a life it is thrown away. God will judge us.

georgetheatheist said...

You hope God will judge us. You hope "God" exists. I'd rather deal with the here and now -objective reality and not subjective feelings. If my wife needed a "partial birth" abortion to save HER life (as these immensely tragic cases are undertaken), I don't need ignorant religious zealots, living in a superstitious realm, sticking their noses into our lives. These cases should be left up to the family and their doctors. As the great Ronald Reagan said: "the most fearful words one can hear are 'I'm from the Government and I'm here to help.'" And if you can't write the fetus off on a tax return, you are admitting it is not a legal entity. (My mother's intentions not withstanding.)