Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tony Causes Truck to Overturn

This is what happens when Truck drivers realize Tony 'Tulips' Nunziato is running for office.

"Did I do that?"


Anonymous said...

Tony would show up (with cameras) at a funeral if it could get his photo posted anywhere.

(Maybe we should check to see if he is on the LEAST wanted list at the Post Office.)

Typical Tony- getting in the way of road crews, emergency workers, and people who actually belong there.

Anonymous said...

Numb Nutz on the scene looking ugly.

Anonymous said...

What horrible photos of a terrible accident and a total mess...

...and then there's the turned over truck in the background too.

Anonymous said...

Is this brain dead poindexter running for office or not?

No commitee, no staff, no campaign literature, no stump speeches, no community meetings attended, no phone banks.I guess when you're a complete no talent ignorant zero, it's best to to fly way under the radar and hope the voters don't realize what an unqualified boob you are.