Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rudy Red Sox Ruse

Rudy Giuliani did the ultimate flip-flop making John Kerry look like a man with irreproachable convictions!

In a stunning admission, Rudy has stated that he will be rooting for the evil Boston Red Sox. I don't think there is a Yankee fan on this planet that will be hoping that the Red Sux beat the Colorado Rockies in the fall classic.

This is voter pandering that would make Tony Avella blush!!

What a Drag!!


Anonymous said...

Please note that he made this proclamation in Boston. He's looking to get votes. Not sure who well it will go over with Yankee fans or how his line about Hillary became a Yankeee fan growing up in Chicago will have an impact anymore.

I don't think he'll get the Republican nod because of his stance on Gays, Abortion or Guns.

I'm just waiting to see if the Church says they won't allow him to get Communion since he is Pro-Choice and has been divorced, like they did with John Kerry.

Mr. Mojo Risin

Anonymous said...

RUDY RUDY RUDY we still love you! Go get em!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mojo you should learn how to spell. Rudy is the only chance for the Republican Party in New York City!

Anonymous said...

That pic of Rudy in the Dress is the best he ever looked

Anonymous said...

I spell well but my typing he is he the hope of the Republican Party in New York control 2 seats on the city council, with Gallaghers seat open...The Republican party is in lots of trouble locally and nationally...22 seats to defend compared to 12 for the Democrats..look for the dems to keep control og the House, gain the Senate, and maybe the White House...

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous... Rudy may be the only chance for the Republican Party in NYC but is that more important than good government, honesty, and responsible leadership regardless of party? Rudy is a joke and not because he dresses in drag. It's because he did not do 1/2 the things he now claims in his presidential campaign.

He did NOTHING from 1993-2001 regarding terrorism or terrorism planning yet he became a multi millionaire off the deaths of those on 9/11.

He was too busy making millions to contribute his so-called expertise to the 9/11 Commission.

He put the Emergency Response Center at 7 WTC when every expert said not to. Had he done what those without political motives had recommended, Rudy would have been far away from the WTC on 9/11.. and then we (and the rest of the USA) would be spare the hypocricy of this cousin-marrying, cheating husband, crooked (Kerick, et al), lying (see his claims vs. the truth), Constitution bashing idiot.

Rudy might be the only chance for the Republican party but the only chance for the citizens of the United States is to send him packing and to do so soon.