It is apparent that the New York Post is more concerned with being first rather than being responsible. In today's Sunday paper they printed an exclusive interview with the alleged victim despite the on-going investigation by police. Once again, the press is more concerned with selling papers and sensationalizing a story rather than being concerned with the truth and being innocent until proven guilty.
In addition, It was no surprise to see Bob Holden being quoted in the article and it should raise some concern among our community since Bob has nothing to do with the investigation. The only thing Bob is trying to do is further his vindictive agenda campaign against his detractors. Even more disgraceful, is that some of Bob's cronies were seen attaching copies of news articles regarding the case on utility poles throughout Middle Village.
My fellow neighbors, please do not believe everything you read and do not rush to judgement. Let's wait to see what facts are presented and what the court decides. The court of public opinion can be dangerous and does little to ensure justice.
Inocent unless proven guilty.
I heard she was twice the size of dennis, how could he assault her.
Just wow.
I bet the next defense for Gallagher was "She deserved it."
Sure, wait until all the facts are in but the attacks on the woman here are uncalled for.
The funniest thing though was Ognibene (whose own family should have been tended to years ago instead of running for office) saying in the Times "I don’t even know how to address this issue. Maybe this is just an angry woman. Maybe she sees something at the end of the tunnel because he’s a councilman.”
Yes, because a councilmember is certainly a meal-ticket. Is Ognibene out of his mind? Oh wait, he is.
I found it interesting that Holden brought up an event that happened well before Gallagher ran for office. If Holden thought negatively of Gallagher since the time he worked for Ognibene, why did the JPCA endorse him for City Council?
bob you are such a loser how did your wife feel when you were slapping her aroud,we know an the public will know the time is coming
Wonderful admission by Bobby Holden in the NY Post article that he was in a room with Gallagher as the councilman-to-be got a lap dance.
So Bobby, what were you doing in that room? Praying for Gallagher's soul? Voicing your moral outrage? Or stuffing dollar bills into the dancer's g-string and waiting for your turn?
Why after witnessing this lap dance did Bobby and his goon squad known as the JPCA executive council then go on to vote Gallagher their Man of the Year?
Explain that one Bobby. Enquiring minds want to know. Your community wants to know about your poor judgement or your lying. Which one is it?
Why the moral outrage right now Bobby? You're such a freakin' hypocrite.
Your lust for power and your vindictiveness are so transparent. You're a disgrace.
Bobby Holden is licking his lips. From the coverage in today's NYPost and other newspapers during the week, it is obvious that guilty or not, Dennis Gallagher is toast. Perception has more power than reality when it comes time for people to cast ballots (just like the myth people bought that Iraq had ANYTHING to do with 9/11).
Bobby is getting ready to run for the city council. If he gets elected, Middle Village and much of NYC is doomed. His bombastic rhectoric and venom of hatred and lies would hurt our community.
Before he has a chance to position himself to run, concerned voters should write to the Queens Democratic Committee to voice their concerns. Let the party know that Bob Holden is not a Democrat. He is not representative of our community. He does not speak for us. He is dangerous and has a black heart.
Speak up now or be prepared for years of his vile being on the council. (Holden and Charles Barron- two leaders of hatred.)
Hon. Joseph Crowley, Chair
Special Message
How to reach the County Chair
Address: 72-50 Austin Street, Forest Hills, NY 11375
Office Phone: 718 268-7363
Headquarters Phone: 718-268-5100
Headquarters Fax: 718-268-7363
Were the kickbacks so good that you will defend this criminal to the death? Or Maybe it is better to serve in Hell then it is to serve in Heaven! I know it's hard to admit that Gallagher is going to prison but Lick your wounds, make yourself a nice cup of tea and just let out a good cry. It's ok, your lives are not over, you can still find someone else to cling on to. I know you liked the parties and the women and Gallaghers crooked teeth smile but there are more corrupt politicians out there. Maybe they will let you be their groupie. I would in the meantime hide your Grandmothers from Dennis because he may just rip off their depends and go to town. In closing remeber this, All things in life are circular and for all the people that Dennis has hurt in his life, it is coming back ten times harder. Nobody wishes harm to anyone but some people just deserve it. Oh and by the way, I think the Nazi's considered themselves patriots as well. Think about it!!!
As a 501c3 organization, JPCA should not be endorsing or supporting ANY candidates. That's grounds for them to lose their tax exempt status.
One question... Holden was quoted elsewhere as saying he showed up at Gallagher's office when police were there and that he stayed several hours. What business was it of his to be there? Doesn't he have a life? Like the village busy-body, he has to be everywhere. Beware. Be frightened. Holden is roaming the neighborhood.
Bobby Holden is licking his lips. From the coverage in today's NYPost and other newspapers during the week, it is obvious that guilty or not, Dennis Gallagher is toast. Perception has more power than reality when it comes time for people to cast ballots (just like the myth people bought that Iraq had ANYTHING to do with 9/11).
Bobby is getting ready to run for the city council. If he gets elected, Middle Village and much of NYC is doomed. His bombastic rhectoric and venom of hatred and lies would hurt our community.
Before he has a chance to position himself to run, concerned voters should write to the Queens Democratic Committee to voice their concerns. Let the party know that Bob Holden is not a Democrat. He is not representative of our community. He does not speak for us. He is dangerous and has a black heart.
Speak up now or be prepared for years of his vile being on the council. (Holden and Charles Barron- two leaders of hatred.)
How to reach the County Chair of the Democratic Committee. Write today or live with Holden holding Middling Village hostage:
Hon. Joseph Crowley, Chair
Address: 72-50 Austin Street, Forest Hills, NY 11375
Office Phone: 718 268-7363
Headquarters Phone: 718-268-5100
Headquarters Fax: 718-268-7363
The real issue is why haven't they arrested Gallagher? Could it be the witness is not credible? Could it be the allegation is untrue? The case has to be weak or he would have been arrested right away. I don't believe it never will.
It goes to show you just how low Bob Holden has become reveling in another's misery. When he assulted his wife a good friend came to his aide as they went away together. The truth will be heard
Bob should have let well enough alone Gallagher is getting killed in the press without him. Why let it be known your pushing it? This is why people don't trust or like him they realize he is on the fringe.
I see the New Forum is using art work designed by Bob Holden's students. I wonder if DOI know that a for- profit paper is being designed by Holden in his house using his illegal basement while using City and Juniper Civic resources.
Bob don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house.
Hey Porter, you sound like an effen idiot.
The saying is Rule in hell. Not Serve in hell.
Mr. Porter, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent comment were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone who read this is now dumber for doing so. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Bobs a cruel man.
If hurting people comes back tenfold then the JPCA gang of five should be going to church and lighting candles, that cannot bode well for their future!
This is not meant as a defense to Gallagher but I do believe in innocent until proven guilty This story just has too many hows to sound credible, I do not understand how this woman was forced from Danny Boys to the car and then the car to the Office.
You know what I love? Butterscotch. It is truly a great flavor. They have candies and all sorts of treats made from it. I think If people would eat more butterscotch the world would be a better place!!!
Also a very interesting point from that NY Post article is that one day Bob Holden (according to his quote) found a stripper with Dennis Gallagher at then councilman Ognibene’s office. I wonder why Bob Holden waited years later to let the community know about this. I also wonder why Bob decided to actively work on Dennis’s campaign in 2001 despite knowing about this indiscretion. Perhaps it has to do with the thousands of dollars that were paid to Holden from Gallagher’s campaign account in 2001 (payments of which are detailed on the NYC Campaign Finance Board’s website). I guess even Bob Holden is for sale.
Bob Holden may get away to his Island resort but people will know about him, and people will know the truth. Bob try not to abuse Amy before this trip, no one will travel with you this time. You can't use this trip as a bribe
Anyone ask Tony Tulips about his daughter's investigation? She knows about avioding the police while a friend is being abused, The mailing will come!
I'm surprised that Mike FROMHEL can even work a computer with a 6th grade education. Instead of trying to run everything in town he should watch his wife I hear she got bit by Jake the SNAKE.
this is really dividing a community. good lesson learned. next time around why don't all of you elect someone on their sincerity and promise to do their job. serve the people. look at their campaign finance. the bigger the pot, the more favors to return. we, the community are the biggest loseers in this. glendale and middle village were handed to all these developers. we're the ones with no parking, no playgrounds in schoolyards, because our schools can't handle these numbers. driving metro is like being in midtown manhattan. a once beautiful and quiet community has been sold right under our feet. and we've smiled and applauded this loser gallagher. we bust our asses everyday trying to live a decent life and this crud is getting rich on our hard earned tax dollars. hopefully, justice will prevail.
How quick those are to forget that if it were not for Gallagher our schools would be forever overcrowded, underfunded and void of technology.
If it were not for Gallagher Keyspan would have been overdeveloped site instead of a soon to be Park with a Veteran's memorial
If it weren't for Gallagher the Midville Dodgers wouldn't have the best baseball fields in all of the city.
Time will see if Gallagher was framed or if he is innocent or guilty. But everyone knows Holden had someting to do with all the press coverage.
Holden's anger hurts himself and the community.
Why isn't Bob Holden going to the press about Tony Nunziato's daughter?
Oh I forgot Bob and Tony want to rule the world together
Forget this POST article did anyone see today's DAILY NEWS?
This alledged victim was out at Danny Boy's yesterday?
The pieces of this puzzle don't seem to fit.
As a woman I am fully aware of the evil that man can do. As a neighborhood resident, I have heard gossip about Dennis Gallagher, but as an educated individual I am very distrubed by the actions of the victim. I would hope that justice is served. I just find this woman's conduct over the weekend much too troubling. It is becoming plain to me that justice would best be served if the DA's office would decline to prosecute this case, it would be a waste of my tax dollars -- wasting tax dollars is why we have elected officials.
She poses for pictures in her shorts outside her home for all the world to see? She returns to Danny Boy's where she met her so called attacker? This doesn't strike me as someone who has suffered a traumatic assault. I think we have to very seriously consider the fact it was consensual.
shes a liar.
More proof that Holden and his JPCA executive board sychophants are waging a vindictive war against Gallagher.
Holden's been calling around to newspapers with the express interest to badmouth and defame Gallager. Bobby: Get a hobby.
Following last week’s coverage of the allegations that Gallagher sexually assaulted a 52-year-old woman in his Metropolitan Avenue office, Robert Holden, long-time nemesis and President of the Juniper Park Civic Association, contacted The Queens Courier. He reiterated Gallagher’s alleged involvement in a corruption scandal while he was chief of staff for then-City Council minority leader Thomas V. Ognibene.
Neither Ognibene nor Gallagher were ever charged in the case or confronted by investigators.
Holden then went on to cite the brouhaha surrounding Gallagher’s collectibles company that was allegedly sending out pornography from Christ the King High School.
He also went on to allege that the 43-year-old married councilmember has been intimidating the Juniper Park Civic Association.
In response to Holden’s claims, Mahler said, “He’s just a disgruntled community activist and political adversary. I would not put much stock in anything he says. He’s a guy with a grudge.”
Tom Nolan wrote a poor article "maybe its me"in a local paper. He states that politicians should have a higher standard. I feel a politician or any other person in the lime light should not be looked at in their personal time. If they are not doing anything illegal then its their personal life. Its amazing Mr Nolan who is in the opposite party of the elected official he is speaking about forgot his favorite President Slick Willy. Oh to shame that does not count, he was in your party. If people are doing their job their private life should be PRIVATE. If a law was broken then there will be due process. Our City Council has a speaker who's sexual preference may upset many yet she is doing a fine job as speaker. Don't interject personal life into professional life. You have your opinions so do the majority
However, in sharp contrast to Gallagher’s seemingly squeaky-clean career, Robert Holden, President of the Juniper Park Civic Association, told The Queens Courier, “I’m not surprised that this happened. There has been a pattern of irrational and questionable behavior since 2005.”
Holden you freakin' B.S. artist: your spin to cover your appointment of Gallagher as your 2005 man of the year is so transparent and insincere. How about that lapdance you claim to have witnessed Gallager have many years ago. Were you praying for his soul this entire time? Or were you next in line with a $20 in your hand. Perhaps the same $20 that you gave back to the PTA mom who dared question you at an open public JPCA meeting.
You sicken me, you hypocritical sleeze.
I've been reading the stories about Dennis Gallagher and hearing Bob Holden bad mouth him, and I have to agree with a lot of the readers.
Its interesting that Bob Holden is now coming out with all these things on Gallagher, strippers, drinking, but yet endorsed him time after time, and even made him man of the year. Apparently as long as Gallagher was doing Bobby's bidding everything was good.
What does that say about Bob Holden's character? Working on his campaign, and endorsing Gallagher? Making him your "Man of the Year"? This despite seeing him with a stripper, knowing his company sold Porno from a room out of CK and that the man was a womanizer and a drunk?
I'm realy strating to wonder if those rumors of him getting drunk at some party and taking a picture of him with 2 strippers, and a nude midget...
FYI....if porn is a 1950s playboy issue then the current Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition is a XXX Magazine.
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