Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel..

It shouldn't shock anyone that the Juniper Berry and its crazed ego maniacal chief; Robert Holden, has hand picked Councilman Tony Avella as their "Man of the Year". It is important to note that Tony Avella does not represent our community, has never funded a project in Middle Village or Maspeth, never spearheaded a positive change for our community, and was absent when our communities fought to turn the Keyspan site into a park. So you might be wondering what is Tony’s qualification and why is he deserving of the JPCA’s “Man of The Year”? It is every simple, Avella is the only elected official left that Bob Holden can speak with. You see, Holden is at war with all of our legislative and community leaders including Community Board 5 of which he is a member.

Although Bob is a master of grandstanding, public attacks, over stepping his authority and sphere of influence, Tony "Old Yeller" Avella gives Holden a run for his misappropriated money. If you haven't yet observed Tony yelling and turning beat red when he doesn't get his way, you are missing something to marvel and behold.

Sadly, the JPCA chooses to ignore that Mr. Avella voted to have a street renamed for convicted felon and racist Sonny Carson (Yes the same Sonny Carson who openly admitted his hatred for white people) despite overwhelming opposition from his own constituency. Tony justifies his vote and wants you to believe that he did so because the community wanted it done. But we know that Tony could care less about what the community wants and his only focus is his political future. Damn everyone or everything else. Tony is willing to support a domestic terrorist and hatemonger like Sonny Carson to curry favor with African-American voters in his laughable bid for mayor. This vote was political pandering at its very best. Way to go Tony X! I'm sure Councilman Barron sleeps better at night knowing Tony Avella has his back.

The Patriots are extremely glad that Tony will not have to endure this long hot summer without the comforts of a refreshing watering hole. Recently, Mr. Avella was found to have an illegal pool in his backyard but he whined, cried and yelled so loudly that the Department of Buildings turned a blind eye and dismissed the violation. I wonder how many other Queens residents enjoyed the same luxury when they received violations for their pools. If Tony really cared about the community, he would invite over every Queens resident who had to tear down their pool to a 4th of July pool party in Whitestone.

Mr. Avella spends more time in other communities and less time in his own district that local residents are modeling a new coloring book after the "Where's Waldo?" series and renaming it "Where's Avella?" If there were a small crowd, a camera, and a few reporters I would suspect that Tony would travel to Hunters Hollow, Kentucky for his 13 and half minutes of shame. Just imagine if we could keep Tony in his own district, we wouldn't need congestion pricing.

The most unforgivable action in his tenure as a leader in Queens was when Avella allowed a baseball field to be built with contaminated fill.

Highlighted in The Queens Courier the Headline reads:


This article clearly proved that Tony Avella as President of the College Point Sports Association oversaw the dumping of contaminated fill on an athletic field designed for children to play upon. City lawyers stated, “CPSA, one of whose officers was PAID to monitor dumping of fill, was negligent in its oversight.” The material being used was considered hazardous when used as a substrate for baseball. Is this a Man of The Year or is Holden honoring his lone political ally?

Tony was that you? As President, the buck stopped with you. Despite Avella's transgressions and many faults the Juniper Berry has decided to honor him in their recent publication. It is obvious, the Juniper Berry is turning over every rock to look for honorees these days because they have alienated just about everyone in the community. There is a bright side, however, because any time the Juniper Berry honors someone it is just a matter of time before they attack, malign and ridicule. Just take a look at our "Hero to Zero" series and you'll quickly see what we mean.


Unknown said...

You could equate this situation to Charles Manson picking Ted Bundy for the “Good Samaritan” award.

MJ said...

I feel this evil union in hell might last for a while because Bob desperately needs a friend and Tony loves the front page of any rag. I can even smell a sequel to “Brokeback Mountain”, how about “Brokeback Civic Association” staring our favorite megalomaniac lovebirds.

Anonymous said...

Bob Holden and Tony Avella Perfect together. They are two self centered egomaniacs. Enjoy the honor Tony Bob will skunk you soon.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Tony will endorse Bob Holden for City Council no one else will!

Anonymous said...

Poor Bob everything was going so well until he picked fights with people who fight back.

Anonymous said...

Gee seems like Tony is a little Red faced could that be the effects of the toxic waste he shipped in to contaminate our kids?

Anonymous said...

Hey Patrick why didn't you mention that the Avella mess cost the City taxpayers millions!

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella needed a map to find Middle Village and Maspeth he never did anything for us. He is such a political whore.

Anonymous said...

How much did Holden pay for Avella? I know he makes a habit of bribing elected officials to help his family.

Anonymous said...

Bob needs to try and help people in that "special" way, but we know people are now looking closely.

Anonymous said...

Ask Tony Avella if he looked at the JPCA books. He would run for the hills if he knew how corrupt the JPCA and Midville Dodgers are.

Anonymous said...

i cant believe that bob has has gone this low.We all know that he is running for office but to align yourself with a dirt bag like avella is real low

Unknown said...

why dont we inform the few members of the jpca about tony avella vote on sonny carson.middle village does not need bob or tony avella

Unknown said...

why dont we inform the few members of the jpca about tony avella vote on sonny carson.middle village does not need bob or tony avella

Unknown said...

nice article ed ,nothing to pretend about you being a drunk

Anonymous said...

Bob Holden seems to look a little tired. Is it from trying so hard to cover his tracks? I see in this month’s Juniper Berry magazine he didn't use any of his students art work. Does he now realize it is illegal? Too late Bob they already have the info.

Anonymous said...

Bob looks so tired because hate takes alot of energy!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Christina the Weeble wears him out?

Anonymous said...

Your right Tony Avella looks Red or even pink. I am sorry he just votes with Pinko sympathizers.

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella is not worth the time this Post took to put up. He is yesterday’s news. He will either get killed for Mayor or lose to Senator Frank Padavan

Anonymous said...

You would be hard pressed to find someone in Government who respects Tony Avella people look at him as a arrogant loser.

Anonymous said...

Avella for Mayor God that’s funny. What would his slogan be:

"Toxic waste for our children"

Anonymous said...

I remember this case clearly what the Poster does not tell you that the company that was hired by Avella Enviro-fill (Later Convicted) were supposed to build good fields but used the kid’s ball fields for massive illegal unsafe dumping. All on Avella's watch!
When asked about it Tony said "Sometimes bad things happen to good people"

What a sorry excuse. The only innocent victims were the kids who couldn’t play ball and taxpayers who had to foot the bill for clean up.

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella a true disgrace. Thank God for Term Limits.

Anonymous said...

Maybe after Tony gets his butt kicked for mayor he can fight Bob for Dog catcher

Anonymous said...

I bet you Tony could have beat Holden for that community board slot. Then again anyone could have. It seems Bob has lost his influence.

Anonymous said...

Did Avella come up with any money for St Saviors? Is that why he is being honored? Or is it because he is up Bob's heiney

Anonymous said...

Leave Ed alone he was quite entertaining at the Community Board even Bob Holden tried to shut him up. He is a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

The Board is so much better without Kampermann. If you want to see him stumble with him to Zum's

Anonymous said...

Kamperman a former marine? Wow I thought Marines were honorable.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Avella , He will never become mayor. Lets move on to bigger issues. We have a major problem in out city. Illegal immagrants are rampant in all parts of the city. Terrorists are waiting to attack and kill all of us. The economy is on the downward trend. Gas prices are going unchecked(what happened to my Demcorats promise at the Ammaco station on 74th St stating if they where elected the prices would never be above $3.00). Hey Mid/ Vill, Maspeth wake up , we do not need to fight each other the enemy is waiting around the bend. Dpg, Holden, and the rest of the clicks get your heads out off your asses and look who the real enemy is. We are our own worst enemy if we do not realize we all live hear and must unite in order to survive. Sempre FI

Anonymous said...

Dear "Real American",

Right on target. Remember Benjamin Franklin's reply to a John Hancock remark "that the revolutionaries should be unanimous in their actions", which was stated at the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 - "We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."

Anonymous said...

The only reason Holden is sucking up to Avella is that Bobby hopes that in an Avella admistration, he'd be appointed to a position such as Parks Commissioner (since Bobby hates Benepe so much and would love to undo some of Benepe's achievments).

Note to Bobby H: You're barely qualified to be a graphic arts shop teacher at CUNY, let alone an elected or appointed officeholder.

Note to Avella: The JPCA executive board will turn on you like they have turned on every other politician they've sucked up to.