Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bloomie Paying Lootie to Perform your Duty..

The Mayor wants to pay the poorest New Yorkers to reward students for educational performance and parents or family members a financial incentive to do what is right. This stinks of socialism, distribution of wealth and the alienation of the middle class. Once again it looks like the hard working middle class has been omitted from this motivation program to do well. I believe kids from all economic backgrounds would enjoy being compensated for doing something that is already expected of them. Why stop there, let's start paying people for cleaning their sidewalks, showering regularly, eating right, driving the speed limit, refraining from using obscene language, and a host of other desirable behaviors. We can all quit our jobs, start acting responsibly and wait for the cash to roll in.

Here are some of the ways you can get some of this cold hard cash:

$600 - to high school students and their parents for accumulating 11 high school credits a year.

$400 – for students and their parents if the student graduates from high school

$400 – for adults who take certain education-and job training courses that last between 71 and 140 hours

$200 – per family member for having regular medical check-ups

$150 – a month for adults working at a full-time job

$50 - to high school students getting a library card

$25 – for attending parent-teacher conferences

You can not buy a work ethic and you can not purchase dedication to do what is right. It is a mindset that is learned, fostered and reinforced. I am all for helping those less fortunate, however, if you give a man a fish he will eat for a day and if you teach him to fish he can eat for a life time. Let's teach our children that doing well in school, working hard and dedicated themselves to reaching their goals is much more valuable in the long run that receiving a few bucks.

-NY Daily News Article-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Billions won't fix education .You may have bought your way into the mayors seat but you can not educate that way . Good to hear you left the Republican Party as far as I'm concerned you never where a republican.