Elizabeth Crowley didn’t feel that it was important to attend a meeting to discuss the School Construction Authority‘s (SCA) site remediation plan for the new Maspeth High School. We know that Crowley hates Bob Holden (c’mon folks who doesn’t) but being an elected official you must rise above petty differences and listen to your constituents. The hardworking people of Maspeth deserve to have their representatives at the meeting (not Tony ShamefulBuildaBallfiledonToxicsite Avella).
We know Dizzy Lizzy has the backbone of a jellyfish and tries to avoid any uncomfortable situation that might make her look bad. But the problem for Crowley is that no matter where she goes she looks bad. People who hear her speak wonder how many drinks she has had before arriving (usually late) to meetings.
By not showing up and sending her sacrificial lamb aka Lydon Sleeper to the meeting, she is sending a message to her constituents. “I will only come to meetings if there is a ribbon to cut, a baby to kiss, an animal to pet, a senior to smile at and if I don’t have to say a word.”
Only 180 days left and we are free of Dizzy Lizzy Crowley!
Pinky and Phony Tony Como attended every juniper valley civic meeting. Well, that one time when Pinky stormed out doesn't count. Well, a place card bearing Phony Tony Como's name does not count either. So maybe they dont have perfect attendance.
Ognibene attended every meeting including oneswhere he was paid off by Holden! Maybe the Governor stopped the Investigation into Holden since his wife was his number one ASSistant
Crowley made the mistake of sucking Bob Holdens ass...now she pays the price..Holden dumps her and goes on the attack...This proves how much of an idiot Crowley really is
Lets Elect someone who will stand up to Holden and his merry band of Misfits
One thing about this Post is right this Woman is late for everything including 3 months late in opeining an office!
Do you think Ogniben banged Crowley?
phony Tony knows he is a loser and now he runs to Bloomberg to get a job
Phony Tony Como does not have the guts to run. He is gutless, so to speak, as well as phony.
Thats phony tony como for you, always phony all the time.
How is Tom feeling??
If Phony Tony Como gets a job from the mayor does he give Kerri, linda, james and Jake a job?
Lets see how corrupt phony tony como can get!
Lets call channel 5!
ogni-has-been needs to give it up. He materializes out of thin air threatening to sue the city. However, he has a "good relationship" with the mayor. All lies.
Ogni-has-been needs to quite and stop embarassing himself.
Crowley is a joke & has slept her way into office. She is an idiot & so is every voter who voted her in. She prob. doesnt even know Maspeht is in her disctict for God's sake!!!
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