All of a sudden, while looking at the picture of Tony Nuziato and Paul Ditta standing with a tree lying between them, the phrase “so easy, even a caveman can do it” popped into our heads.
Finding a scapegoat to ascribe blame is much easier than trying to get to the crux of the real causes for St. Saviours. So easy in fact, that even a caveman could grunt the name of the scapegoat.
St. Saviours has stood in a state of disrepair and deterioration for years. During which no one from the community came to its rescue until it was too late. It was much too difficult for media seeking cave dwellers to plan in silence for the eventual inevitable development of the dormant tract of land. It was much easier, to start screaming during the 11th hour when it became apparent that it was too late to save the crumbling church.
So easy in fact, that even a caveman could do it.
It is much too difficult to blame the mayor’s office after several appeals to purchase the property were denied. It is much easier, however, to beat the Gallagher piñata with a St Saviours stick.
So easy in fact, that even a caveman could do it.
It is much too difficult to blame the NYC Parks Department for not showing an active interest in creating more parkland in our area. It is much easier, however, to drive over Gallagher with the St Saviour’s bus.
So easy in fact, that even a caveman could do it.
It is much more difficult to bring all parties concerned together to try to develop a plan (if possible) to try satisfying the needs of everyone involved. It is much easier, however, to hang a Gallagher dummy from a St. Saviours noose.
So easy in fact, that even a caveman could do it.
The reality of the situation is that no elected official has a magic scepter that they can wave to get whatever they want. If that were true Al Gore would be President and we would be speaking French.
You see, sometimes you win a fight and sometimes you lose. It is just a basic principle in life. We won the Keyspan fight but now the community might have to make concessions with St Saviours. The Neanderthals know this to be true; however, they are more concerned about beating up on Gallagher and getting their names in the paper and their ugly caveman mugs in print than truly saving St Saviours.
Papers love a good sensationalistic story and will spin the facts to make it even more heart wrenching without revealing the opposing facts.
As a matter of fact, it is so easy to manipulate a story that even a caveman can do it.
Instead of mocking efforts to stop an overdevelopment issue....which in my opinion is totally out of control in Queens........ why not come together and fight for the good of the community.
Cutting down those trees was the bee that stung my bonnet. Whoever is to blame should feel ashamed of that.
I submitted this to the author of the Daily News article:
Mr. Lauinger,
I found your article today to be incredibly biased. I am no fan of Dennis Gallagher, but the St. Saviour's issue is not as one-sided as you make it seem. The church itself was gutted by a fire over thirty years ago and is now a shell of what it originally had been. It also has not been used in years and did not have enough
attendance to sustain itself when it was open as a church. The property is in a mostly industrial area, with some residential houses mixed in. The large majority
of its surroundings are factories, warehouses and a railroad. Another park is located
half a mile from this site, in the direction of the residential community.
Should the city spend millions to buy this property and make it a park? I don't
know, but there are reasonable arguments on both sides. I do know that the members of the Juniper Park Civic Association, including ones named in your article, have conducted themselves in an unprofessional, immature and offensive manner with respect
to this matter. Instead of acting like adults to negotiate and advocate for their position, they viciously attack anyone who disagrees with them. In one rally, they embraced a person who held a large poster showing a noose strung around a tree,stating that it was reserved for Mayor Bloomberg and other city officials with whom they had been dealing. They maligned the Maspeth Federal Savings Bank and its CEO, who is a long-time and respected resident of the community, for not doing what they wanted with the mortgage that the bank held on the property. I wonder if these
people truly have the best interests of the community in mind, or if they are more
concerned with their own power and press exposure.
Many in the community are disgusted with the leadership of the Juniper Park Civic
Association and disagree with their opinions and attacks. I hope your future articles
on this matter are more balanced.
A concerned resident.
Does that guy Ditta ever take a shower?
The JPCA has alot to answer to and soon they will have to answer or risk other legal problems.
The Cave men look cleaner than that guy Ditta
Nunziato will probably tell you how he planted and natured that tree... he lies about everything!
Try listening to Ditta's public speaking. A whining inarticulate boob. He takes a stance for St. Saviours, a worthy stance, mind you, and then has any goodwill evaporate because of his slovenly appearance and limited vocabulary. Memo to Bob,Christina and Tony; Your better served leaving this guy in the background, far out of sight and earshot.
Ditta really looks like a deranged manaic. People get scared when they see him perhaps if he found water he could approve his appearance.
Plus people would be willing to stand within 10 feet of him.
I have to agree that there have been a real rash of tree cuttings (St Saviors, the triangle) but its all lost because of Tony and Bob. They have alienated people so badly that no one wants to side with them no matter what the issue.
I have to tell you I really agree with your posting. I'm looking at a picture of those two guys and I'm thinking "Quest for Fire" ...Instead of sitting on the back of the truck you should have put a cave entrance in the background.
I think the difference between those two and a caveman is that the caveman knows the wipe himself when he's done going to the bathroom..
Mr. Mojo Risin
I thought it was very childish to comment on Mr. Ditta's appearance and his eloquence as a speaker. The real issue at hand is the overdevelopement of Maspeth, and the quality of life problems caused by this overdevelopement, ie. overcrowded schools, parking, traffic, sewer & sanitation. We also have some really bad politicians who give lip service to the community and sell us down the river to developers. Serphin Maltese being one of the biggest offenders.So let's try to be nice to the people trying to perserve the community and to be aware that there are some very pretty people on the outside with very ugly insides walking amongst us.
Missing the good old days
Hi. You are talking about Juniper Bank here. I should say they do know how to get money from you. I paid $100 dollars on my account which should have put my balance below the limit. But they charged me a $39 fee stating that I had paid by their scheduled date which is not the same as the due date and I paid my account on time. On this great site www.pissedconsumer.com I found other people who were fraud.
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