Monday, November 26, 2007

The Forum Crap (aka: Juniper Park Civic Association Propaganda Rag) Crosses the Line Again!

Here is a letter sent by a concerned resident who e-mailed the Forum Crap. I’ll bet the farm we won’t be seeing this reprinted in their upcoming issue.

Apparently, this e-mail has been circulated to hundreds of individuals,(Including the Patriots) but we thought we'd reprint it here for your reading pleasure. We certainly derived pleasure from reading the letter.

As a resident of Middle Village for over 23 years, I am appalled at the allegations brought against Councilman Dennis Gallagher. However, I was taught many years ago that a person in this country is innocent until proven guilty. Let the courts do their job and determine after hearing the facts whether Councilman Gallagher is guilty of the alleged charges. If he is guilty, he will be sentenced by the court. If he is found not guilty, then your paper will owe him a full page apology.

Your paper, however, has already found Gallagher guilty before the case is even heard. What is more appalling and despicable is the Celebrity Look a Likes column in your paper of November 22nd.

Comparing Gallagher to Heinrick Himmler is an insult to every American living today and to those who fought against the Nazis, like my father and his brothers, in World War II. Obviously, the owners and editor of your paper have no respect for fairness and no knowledge of History. Comparing an American, a father, and a person who has represented his area even with the allegations and remember they are still allegations, to a mass murderer and fiend is totally despicable.

If your paper is so sure Gallagher looks like (and therefore is like) Himmler, then why don’t you accuse him of mass murder as well. You seem to know everything, and are his prosecutor, jury, and executioner all rolled up into one.

In the next issue of your so called community paper, why don’t you take your Publisher’s picture, your Executive Editor’s picture, as well as anyone else responsible for this atrocious comparison and put the pictures next to that of Joseph Goebbles, Hitler’s minister of propaganda.

Surely, I will never pick up a copy of your political scandal sheet again, and I will encourage any one in my neighborhood to do the same.

Charles J. Staszewski

Resident of Middle Village

The Juniper Park Patriots love this guy! We want him as a guest writer!


Anonymous said...

Do u guys have the picture

Anonymous said...

Its obvious that the FORUM is just another extension of Bob Holden & the JPCA Executive Board. As usual, Bob has no direct connection to it. As usual, he hides behind women and old men, having them do his dirty work while he stands & proclaims his non-involvement. Maybe one day he will be man enough to step out from the shadows.

Sorry, what was I thinking. In order for Bob to step out of the shadows, he would have to actually be a man. Guess he will be in the dark forever.

"It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright"
Poor Richard's Almanac

Anonymous said...

At last someone not afraid to put his name to a comment!