In addition, they have the audacity to refuse to post comments by individuals who admonish such remarks. We at the Patriots pride ourselves on posting all comments even though some of them attack our views. However, we will never post a statement that even has the hint of racism or attacks any religion or sexual persuasion.
I wish we could tell you that we are surprised by Crappy’s antics but we are not. You have to expect that type of behavior from the Juniper Park Civic Association’s executive board. Remember, they are the same individuals who defended the noose as an appropriate form of free speech. We are ashamed that we have to share the blogosphere with such hateful and racist individuals. We ask that you do not judge all blogs by the behavior of the crap.
Thank you.
~~Here is an e-mail we received yesterday:
The exact comment is:
"Anonymous said...
We told y'all....
That Helen Marshall was just a "house N"*
* Historical note:
House servants were often
Referred to by this derogatory
Racist ante bellum term."
ly. Queens Crap has chosen not to post my comment. I cannot fault them for freely posting comments that are submitted to them, even offensive ones, but it is amazing to me that the blog owner will permit highly offensive, racist statements, but will not post comments criticizing those statements. This was at least the third time I have tried to criticize a racist statement on that blog and they refused to post my comment. Queens Crap previously posted a comment calling Ms. Marshall a "house slave" and has posted numerous derogatory bigoted comments about Asians, among others.
Thank you.
It is no suprise that The Crap is abusive to Helen Marshall. She has not had the moral courage to stand up and fight JPCA.
Even though refering to her using the N word is offensive. Shame on you Bob Holden!
Thats a funny picture of the Grand Wizard!
Welcome back Patrick I hope you enjoyed your Vacation.
Helen Marshall is a decent individual she does not deserve to be treated in this manner.
If I were her I would be offended, she has been an excellent Boro Pres!
I Like Helen I can't believe Juniper called her a N~! That is offensive they should be stripped of all government funding!
Amen Patrick. Mean people do suck, and few suck louder than the JPCA executive board. These hatemongers must be stopped before they continue to embarass and hinder our community.
The JPCA executive board members are the worst that Queens has to offer. Disgraceful that the scum rises to the top of a formerly respectible organization.
The current board members need to resign forthwith.
The JPCa has not only alienated itself from city goverment but other Civic Associations....maybe they need to take some courses on civility....
Mr. Mojo Risin
Sometime between when you posted this and now, Queens Crap removed that racist comment from its post. Instead of criticizing the comment, after you brought attention to it they decided to hide it.
maspeth mom says....
and you guys think its OKAY to post a photo of Holden in a KKK outfit???
What are ya thinkin'!!!!
Has Maspeth Mom ever said anything that didn't involve defending Bob Holden or the JPCA?
I have to wonder if she is on the Board of the JPCA or is a FOX viewer. Either way it would mean she is clueless...
Mr Mojo Risin
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