Thursday, August 9, 2007

"Let her tell her story, subject to cross examination"

On Monday’s “Inside City Hall,” Tom Ognibene, a close political ally and former boss of Dennis Gallagher, says he has some questions about the rape charges filed against the Queens lawmaker. Mr.Ognibene utilizes the same common sense and intelligence during this interview that made him a well respected elected official. We commend Mr. Ognibene for his straight forwardness and his no nonsense approach.

The quality of this clip isn't great, but the message is clear.


Unknown said...

Ognibene is absolutely right. Let the alleged victim tell her story under cross examination. Then let the jury decide.

Unknown said...

I believe there was more to this interview. I think Ognibene stated that DA Brown had to bring the case before a grand jury becuase he would be accused of showing some sort of political favoritism.

Anonymous said...

DA Brown definitely had to bring the case before the grand jury even though he knows there are disturbing dicrepancies in the alleged woman's story.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but Ognibene was always a fool and never "well-repsected." Maybe Tom should look to his own family and had been a better father. How many runaway incidents were there again tom?

Ognibene is in obscurity where he belongs.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Tom ever beat his wife like Bob. Sometimes kids will be kids, my kid ran away because of teenage angst and there was little I could do about it. I could, however, control my anger and fists, unlike other cowards we know in the community. Right Bob?

Anonymous said...

We should look at Tony the Flower because it seems that his petal is involved in the false accusations with Gallagher.

Anonymous said...

Steve the Grassman should know all too well that you're innocent until proven guilty especially when it's in your own backyard.

Anonymous said...

Bob, Middle Village Residents know now how low you can stoop too you should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

holden wishes he could have has much clout as Tom had.

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe when Juniper members are forced to take the stand and tell of their involvement in this incident. Peoples eyes will pop. Rememeber Bob forensic experts can get anything off a computer

Unknown said...

I found out through a friend that Bob Holden and company threw a party after Gallagher was indicted. This act is even too low for the JPCA. To revel in a family's misery? To toast to misfortune of others? or maybe it was a congratulation party for a job well done on their part?

Unknown said...

I heard about the party too! I also heard that Eric Ulrich was in attendance. Yes, the same Eric who volunteered for Gallagher, the same Eric who is feeding the press nonsensical stories, and the same Eric that has political aspirations. I hope that everyone remembers the name Eric Ulrich because he will be running for a council seat near you. I for one will be telling my neighbors here in Howard Beach about Eric Ulbitch to ensure he goes back under the rock from which he came.

Anonymous said...

Bob did hold a part at his home to "celebrate" the Gallagher indictment. If the JPCA truly believed they're heroine was a victim of a savage and brutal sexual assault, why in the hell would they be celebrating? Continue to drag yourselves further into this quagmire that is going to be the trial. You foolish pathetic idiots. You really don't see it coming, do you?